Welcome to the City of London Crime Prevention Association


  • ProtectUK: Security Risk and Guidance for Candidates during Elections 2024
    TITLE: Security Risk and Guidance for Candidates during Elections 2024 MESSAGE: Safety and Security advice and guidance for Candidates during Elections 2024 read more here: https://matomo.protectuk.police.uk/eafeaf ProtectUK Team National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) Counter Terrorism Policing Follow us @TerrorismPolice If you see or hear something suspicious, trust your instincts and ACT. Report it in confidence at www.gov.uk/ACT. Your … Read more

See our LinkedIn page for more latest news.

Next Meeting:

  • Monday 16th September 2024 Economic CrimeGrocers Hall, London, EC2R 8AD


We are currently welcoming new members to our Association, bringing you a range of benefits.